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Workflows and Automations

CallHub introduced its workflows and email marketing product in 2022, aimed at performing enterprise-level tasks.
The product is undergoing a redesign in 2023, for which I'm primarily responsible for the end-to-end design.

Design process

Objective: To re-design workflows to meet specific user needs and defined business goals. 

Target audience: Enterprise and high-value customers with bigger calls and text volumes.

Key requirement: The design for setting up triggers, conditions and actions, analytics in the workflow.


As we were working on a strict deadline and there was no room for multiple reviews, we needed to start off by setting clear expectations and timelines. We took time to understand the Product Requirement Document, and discuss and align on grey areas and suggestions.


Workflows are a solved problem in the industry. With many workflows and automation products, we realized we didn't need any design innovation to redesign it. We focused on getting the user experience right from the start. For this, the best way to learn is to understand what would work best for us. We created different mood-boards for various requirements. 

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It was clear what we needed in the design. Add to that, there were precise requirements and design systems to place to get started right away. We sketched out a few wireframes for areas and interactions that there ambiguous. 

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We divided the first release into different milestones. As and when we completed the designs for Milestones, we handed it off to the engineering team for them to get started. 


I also created a few components and icons needed explicitly for this project. I created a prototype for our user testing and interviews to get feedback from select customers. 

Gladly we received positive feedback and good results of our user testing with the initial set of people.

Because this project is highly complex and touches every part of the product, we decided to do a controlled release and share it with a few customers before releasing it to everyone.

Currently, workflows is released for everyone Anyone can view it after creating their CallHub account.


Check out workflows from our website.

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